One of my neighbors here in Jimei 集美 District of Xiamen 厦门 recently had a baby so I stopped to take a few photos of the newborn at the side of the road on my bike ride to work.
A new addition to my neighbor's family |
I was happy to see this youngster since the parents' last calf was killed by a passing car (or more likely truck) a couple months ago. I was riding my bike home to my apartment one afternoon and saw the young calf lying on the road where cars and trucks come flying by at Formula 1 speeds. Apparently the not too bright local farmer, who lets his few cows eat grass on the median of the road didn't tie the calf close enough and the naive youngster ventured out onto the road to certain death. As I biked by, the poor mother was staring at her dead offspring with a look of complete cow confusion. Nice to see they have a new baby which I hope will survive a bit longer.
Proud papa enjoying the roadside grass (and my apartment complex in the background) |