Mar 31, 2013

Chinglish: "Good Good Study, Day Day Up"

Sunday, March 31, 2013

I bought this cheap little wallet just because I thought its funny (and it was pretty cheap - negotiated down from 10元 to 7元, slightly over U.S. $1.00).

The English "Good good study, day day up" is a literal translation of 好好学习天天向上 (Hǎo hào xuéxí tiāntiān xiàngshàng). However, literal translation rarely works with Chinese and often comes out sounding very Chinglish. A better, non-literal translation is "study well and improve every day." 

The expression was a saying of Chairman Mao which explains the picture of President Obama wearing a funny hat like the ones worn by the Chinese Communists of the Mao generation. Now, the only place you can find these Mao hats is souvenir shops at tourist attractions. Sadly, its difficult to find the once-popular Obamao* T-shirts at souvenir shops since the Chinese government banned them in 2009 for fear of offending the American president. You'd think they'd have caught on by now that we Americans like to make fun of our politicians.

* Obama is written in Chinese as 奥巴马 (Àobāmǎ) although Chinese sometimes humorously refer to him as Obamao. 


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